The Colne Catchment covers a huge area over parts of 6 different counties and 19 Local Planning Authorities. If our shared vision is to be realised it is essential that we all work together. Water companies, local authorities, charities, landowners, farmers, businesses, community groups, anglers, boaters, conservationists and other user groups all have a part to play.

We are fortunate in the Colne Catchment that we have several long standing partnerships that have been undertaking practical projects to improve our local landscapes including the Colne Valley Regional Park, the Chilterns Conservation Board, and the Chilterns Chalk Streams Project. The Colne CAN brings these groups together and links in other parts of the catchment.

External funding needs to be brought in if this action plan is to be realised. Existing partnerships and individual organisations working together can use this plan as part of the evidence base to present to funders (such as the national lottery and landfill tax) and demonstrate why they should invest in the Colne Catchment. Funding from the Environment Agency and small contributions from individual local authorities can be used as ‘match funding’ to draw in external funding, in this way a relatively small contribution can be multiplied in value to achieve a greater result.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint