We encourage everyone to work together to achieve the vision for the Colne Catchment. This requires a joined-up approach to land and water management, with active support from individuals, local communities and interest groups, businesses, local authorities, voluntary bodies and government agencies. We need catchment-wide thinking and local action.

Several of the projects detailed in this plan are ready to start as soon as funding is obtained. If you have any suggestions for potential sources of funding, please let us know.

Some of the projects will require some hands-on, practical help. If you can give your time and fancy getting involved with practical work in and around the river, this could be for you!

Berkhamstead STW outfallWater Quality project callout for help 

As joint catchment hosts, Groundwork South have begun a project aiming to locate, map and monitor all potential sources of pollution being transferred into catchment watercourses. This will enable future monitoring and provide evidence to justify actions for improvement.  In addition to including data from existing citizen science programmes and other sources, the project will use data collected by volunteers using a simple survey.  Could you volunteer to help? This could be an opportunity for you to explore new areas, or simply to survey your local rivers, lakes and canals whilst enjoying your usual walks. As well as exercising and spending time in nature, you will be able to meet and volunteer with others who care about the health of our rivers. No regular commitment is required. The Rivers Team will provide basic training and need to know which areas are being surveyed. To get involved, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will post more information here as other projects require help. Please check back regularly for details.

Join a local group, become a site warden or take part in conservation tasks.


Colne Catchment hosts


Groundwork South on behalf of the Colne Valley Park CIC

Colne Valley Park Visitor Centre

Denham Court Drive




Telephone: 01895 839857


Chilterns Chalk Stream Project

The Lodge

90 Station Road


OX39 4HA

Telephone: 01844 355502

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint